Monday, September 1, 2008

Turtle Mania

On Sunday, Rob noticed a small creature in the driveway. It was the first time we had been visited by a turtle.

As you can see, the little guy has been around. His shell had several dents, divots and scrapes. He was also quite curious about the humans that had happened upon him.

Of course, it goes without saying, that the Princess Pup was terrified. She never did clue in that she could move much faster than he. What a chicken!

Although the girls were BEGGING to keep him, after a few minutes of playing hide-n-seek in his shell, we decided to return him to the creek located in the woods behind our house.

Bye-bye friend... Come see us again!


Jason said...

So, seriously, how did the turtle soup taste?

Erin said...

How do you get your photos between your text? I can't believe you have a dog....let alone a big dog!! Is her name really princess?