Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sushi... YUM!

We are sooo excited to have found something Elisa loves... SUSHI!


Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Holiday

We celebrated Thanksgiving with a traditional turkey dinner at the Johns Hopkins Club. We were joined by Rob's parents (Bob and Barbara) and sister (Tina), as well as Rosemary (Grammy-Roe) and David. The only person missing this year was Alex! She and Brock were celebrating their first holiday in Washington state!

. Elisa, Gabby, Nana (Barbara), Rob, Belle, Tina & Bubba (Bob)

After dinner, we settled down (at home) to watch the Raven's game (WE WON!) while Elisa went out with friends to spend the evening and next day enjoying the Black Friday savings!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gingerbread Houses

Time for some holiday decorating...

We were sure to take a break to enjoy some C-F-A... Yea!

Final products...


Last Crabs of the Season

Elisa decided to partake in a "Maryland" tradition...

Once she got down to the "meat" of it, she enjoyed them. She wasn't thrilled with the mess they made, but was a great sport about it!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Halloween And Other Fall Fun!

Elisa was talked into "trick-or-treating" with Martine and Katie, while the twins headed out with their friends. Belle in purple, Gabby dressed up as a "cow-girl", and Elisa went for a "parisian" look. Fall is my favorite time of year especially with the changing of the leaves. We also found a couple of hours to spend with my all-too-grown-up son, VJ. Christmas is just around the corner!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Century's Homecoming 2011

Homecoming starts with a student-led pep rally, followed by a parade, the big game and then finally, Homecoming Dance --- no parents allowed, unless you're crazy enough to volunteer to be a chaperone... Yep, that would be me!

Elisa and Martine spent the evening getting ready at our house, then off to Walmart and Panera with friends, followed by the dance. They kept their heels on the whole night! Lots of funky dancing and loud music... the girls were amused by this tradition!

Hershey Park

Fall is here so it was time for our annual trip to Hershey Park (PA). This is especially appropriate for Elisa as she LOVES chocolate!!! It was a cold day, but luckily the rain stayed away. We then came home and toasted marshmallows on the back deck.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Welcome Elisa

The Nelson Family is very excited to welcome a new member to our family! Elisa (pronounced Eleeza) is a foreign-exchange student from Germany. She is a 16 yr. old junior, attending our local high school and will be with us for the entire school year. She is beautiful, bright, and oh so much fun. She fits in well with our family and is a wonderful "host-sister" to Belle and Gabby! She loves music, fashion and anything that has the ability to SKYPE. She is well-traveled and speaks English extremely well... her vocabulary is amazing! In addition, she has joined the girls and I in our life-long pursuit of teasing Rob!!!

We look forward to posting our adventures as we share our American life and traditions with her. Stay tuned for all the fun!