Friday, November 21, 2008

It's mighty cold!

Few words are necessary...


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hi Uncle Lee

Our Uncle Lee (and Belle's godfather) stopped by to drop off a package and all 3 kids were in the same spot... that NEVER happens.
Good to see you Uncle Lee!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Piney Run Park

On Saturday morning, we took advantage of the crisp fall morning and went for a family hike at Piney Run Park...
Jinxy thought she would be our guide...
Luckily, the girls know how to read a map...
We decided it was a great landscape for Belle to practice her photography skills...
While some of the shots lacked clarity, her last one of the day was clear as a bell...
We even let Daddy hold the camera...
By the end of the morning, everyone was ready to say goodbye, including the creatures...
(I swear it looks like he's staring at me)


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Mrs. Wineke!

Happy Birthday to one of our fav teachers, Mrs. Wineke!

We bumped into Mr. & Mrs. Wineke enjoying her birthday celebration at Osaka Japenese Steakhouse... YUM, YUM!

In honor of Mrs. Hoffman...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Rock the VOTE, young man!

Tuesday was a historic day in many ways. First, our country elected its first African-American president. And whether you were pro-or-con Obama, the significance of this election could not go unnoticed.

It was also a big day for our family. VJ voted in his first election. I think you can tell by the photo below that this was a sense of accomplishment for him. He did a great job. He read the ballot before-hand and had everything filled out so he would be prepared when stepping into the booth. He was aware and prepared for a long wait in line, but was pleasantly surprised when there was none. I was pleased to realize that his vote wasn't just happen chance, but rather, his choices were based in reason and logic. He did his homework!

Belle & I also spent time in the voting booth. As you can imagine, the girls have been pretty engaged in this campaign. Because of her age, Belle was permitted to accompany me into the booth. Once there, I allowed her to cast her vote for President.

While I felt a bit odd giving away MY vote, I quickly realized that I could do little more at that moment, than teach my child the importance of participating in the democratic process and allowing her the opportunity to have her voice heard. It was memorable for both of us!

Meet Mallory

Check out the "peepers" on Mrs. McGlannan's new baby girl. This is Mallory. She is the 4 month-old daughter of Belle's teacher in first & second grades.
I'm like one big squishy pillow!

Belle is going to make an AWESOME babysitter!

Mrs. McG, Mallory, Gabby & Belle

Drama Queens in Action

This year, Belle decided to join her sister in the "THEATRE". Just imagine... two drama queens! The production was WILLY WONKA, JR., performed at the Drama Learning Center in Columbia.
Gabby had two parts, Phineous Trout, the reporter and a back-up Oompa-Loompa, while Belle was a lead Oompa-Loompa... Check out the hairdo!

We have always been very fortunate to have the support of all our friends and family and true to tradition, we enjoyed a big celebratory dinner after their final performance on Sunday.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Little tricks, but lots of TREATS

The girls made out like bandits this Halloween. This is the first time in two years, the girls can eat WHATEVER candy they'd like...

Just check out the smile on Belle's face...We're not really sure what they're suppose to be, but it looks like some sort of Pirate Wench... Rob and I are so proud!
Even Aunt Tina got in on the act. She has joined us every year for trick-or-treating...
And you knew I would have shots of the nieces (and Mom)...

Century's Homecoming

Century's Homecoming was last weekend. The "Knights" are undefeated.

Matt & Lauren

Brian & Denny

Matt makes a great pacifier for Kaitlyn